Full Spectrum Leadership
Every one of us lives according to some sort of story. The narrative of that story is what we turn to for our life to have meaning and purpose, to guide our decisions and to determine how we will live. It is the filter we use to make sense of what happens to us.

November 25, 2023
Choosing Love Over Fear
A Guiding Note for Personal Enlightenmentby Peter Comrie As humans, we possess a unique capability…

November 11, 2023
Why You Should Stop Worrying About Things Beyond Your Control
The Art of Letting Go by Peter Comrie In a world that perpetually bombards us…

August 22, 2023
Appreciating the Services that Canadians Can Easily Take for Granted
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As an immigrant to Canada, I deeply appreciate that this amazing country is often…