September 28, 2020 in Uncategorized


Procrastination robs you of opportunity. It is a significant fact that no great leader was ever known to procrastinate. You are fortunate if ambition drives you into action, never permitting you to falter or turn back once you have rendered a decision to go forward.

Second by second as the clock ticks off, the distance time is running a race with you, delay means defeat. Because no man may ever make up a second of lost time.

Time is a master worker which heals the wounds of wrongs, and turns all mistakes into capital, but it favors only those who kill off procrastination and remain in action when decisions are made.

Life is a great checker-board, the player opposite you is time. If you hesitate you will be wiped of the board, if you keep moving you may win. The only real capital is time, but it is capital only when used.

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